Waynesburg Boro

Public Works

Waynesburg Borough Public Works Department

247 1st Street
Waynesburg, PA 15370
Hours 7:00am- 3:00pm

The Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining the borough streets for snow and ice removal, storm and sewer maintenance within the borough. Our crew takes great pride and hours of hard work to make certain that the physical comfort for the residence and visitors of the borough are met.

Street Department Manager

Bryan Cumberledge


D. “Cozmo” Evans, Tyler Orndoff and Jamie Schreffler


We will have clean up days twice a year at the Waynesburg Borough Street Department Compound on First Street. Call for scheduled time and dates.

Any residence that would like items picked up the fee is $25.00 for a ½ dump truck load and $50.00 for a full load. Please make arrangements and pay in advance at the borough office for items to be picked up.

The following items will not be accepted: Hazardous materials and Paint.

Please contact the borough office to see if the following items will be accepted:

For more information and the complete list of accepted items contact the borough office.


No person owning, controlling or occupying any lot, ground or premises adjoining or fronting any of the streets or alleys in the borough shall permit snow or ice to accumulate or remain upon the pavements, sidewalks or walkways in front of or adjoining such lot, ground or premises, for a longer period than 24 hours after it has stopped snowing or after the accumulation of ice.